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Thirteenth GCOM Location is NOT an Unlucky Number!

Posted By:  name withheld, 11/28/2003 5:09:00 AM.
Last Modified By:  name withheld, 11/28/2003 5:09:00 AM.
Views:  7624

GCOM is happy to announce its thirteenth location: Damascus, Maryland.

Host: David Fair. E-mail: dafair@bellatlantic.net.
Co-Host: Noreen Fair. E-mail: noreenkfair@verizon.net.
Address: 25604 Coltrane Drive, Damascus, MD, 20872.
For directions go to http://www.geocities.com/davidafair/.
Sessions are held every Friday from 7:00pm to Midnight.
First GCOM session: Jan 02, 2004.
Upcoming Schedule: Jan 02 and Jan 09, 2004.

If you were at Euro Quest and played in the late night Werewolf games, David was the very good (and well-spoken) moderator for most of the games Friday and Saturday night.