Posted By: name withheld, 6/4/2002 11:12:00 PM. Last Modified By: name withheld, 6/8/2002 10:54:00 AM. Views: 7097
Volume 3, No. 2 ---------- June/July 1998
June 24th, 1998
July 8th, 1998
July 22nd, 1998
August 19th, 1998
September 2nd, 1998
September 16th, 1998
September 30th, 1998
See convention page.
A few sessions were missed in March and April due to family obligations. Regular every other week sessions resumed in May 1998. Two new gamers, Paul Gauniel and David Wetzel, became members. Goodbye to Jeff Clark,
member since November 1997, who moved to Minnesota in June to take a teaching job. Regular attendance is currently around twelve people.
Games Club Of Maryland- Joppatowne resummed its once a month Saturday Sessions in May at its new location. Next Session July 18th, 1998.
The first offical open Games Day went very well. Twenty
eight gamers were in attendance. There were three people (Ewan Mcnay, Justin Thomspon and Jon Zug) that came up from Charlottesville, VA. and one person (Charles Hickok)
from Pennsylvannia. The out of state attendants will be inducted as honorary members. Games Club of Maryland hit an attendance record on Saturday, May 2nd when for a few hours there were twenty two gamers in attendance.
Games played were: Age of Renaissance, Air Barron,
Die Macher, El Grande, Formula One, Groo, History of the World, Settlers of Catan and others I do not recall. A great time was had by all. We will do it again next year. Dates and times will be announced soon. Sunday gaming time will be extended to allow later arrivals.
Name: Tim Rothenhoefer
Lives in: Catonsville, MD.
Born in: Baltimore, MD.
Current Career: Electrical mechanic.
First Game Played: Risk.
Number of years in gaming: twenty years.
GCOM member since: 1993.
Favorite Games: Axix and Allies, Settlers of Catan, Paydirt.
Major Gaming accoplishments: Prezcon Axis and Allies Championship 1995 and 1996.
Prezcon Risk Champion 1994.
Gaming outside of GCOM: none.
Other Hobbies: tournament chess, "c" rating.
Favorite food or dessert: turkey with gravy, chocolate sundue.
Words of Wisdom:
Keth Levy
Games Club Of Maryland
Reisterstown, MD.