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A majority of the original reviews were submitted by Charles Bahl and Robert Waters...Thanks!!!

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Alternate Name(s) and Some Stats
Druidenwalzer (Kosmos)
Events Played At1Last Month0
Locations Played At1Two Months0
Last Played On3/6/2006 Three Months0

Game: Druidenwalzer  (Kosmos)
Submitted By: Charles Bahl (The Quake Coast Game Club, San Jose, CA)
Date: 1/1/2001
Views: 7353

Druidenwalzer by Kosmos/Mayfair is, more or less, a highly complex version of traditional pit-and-pebble games like Wari.  As you can tell by the title, this game has a Celtic theme. Basically, pits have been replaced by "trees."  Each tree has a spirit card played beneath it, and each spirit card possesses both a number and a "direction-of-rotation" symbol.  On your turn you play a new spirit card beneath one of your trees.  This caused all other spirit cards with the same number to move in the specified direction.  After the move, certain trees (actually the druids placed on these trees) attack each other.  The trees with the lower-numbered spirits take a hit.  Six hits and a tree is destroyed.  Destroy two of your opponent's trees and you win.  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell that you can also move your druids around. And oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that you can also protect one of your druids from attack with a "Faerie Ring."  Sound complicated for a pit-and-pebble game?  Believe me it is.  All these complications force Druidenwalzer to move at a deadly slow pace.  Less a waltz than a trek up Mt. Everest.  You wait and you wait for your opponent to move, then she waits and she waits for you.  And all this effort never really pays off.  Luck plays such a big role that all the mental exertion is largely wasted energy.  Halfway through Druidenwalzer I was wishing it would end, and when it ended I was wishing I had never bought it.