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A majority of the original reviews were submitted by Charles Bahl and Robert Waters...Thanks!!!

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Alternate Name(s) and Some Stats
Der Herr der Ringe die Gefährten das Kartenspiel (Ravensburger)
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Ravensburger)
Events Played At0Last Month0
Locations Played At0Two Months0
Last Played On Three Months0

Game: Der Herr der Ringe die Gefährten das Kartenspiel  (Ravensburger)
Submitted By: Charles Bahl
Date: 6/8/2003 6:13:00 PM
Views: 7391

This game by Reiner Knizia is similar in many ways to his boardgame "Samurai". "Samurai" uses a board and tiles, "Die Gefahrten" simply uses a deck of cards. In both, however, players attempt to have the most influence at a "site" when the location is surrounded. In "Samurai" all sites can be played simultaneously, but in "Die Gefahrten" sites are played in sequence. Only when one site is closed and scored does play move on to the next site.

Each site has different characteristics. Some have special rules for card placement, some award "rings" that impart special powers to be used at future sites, and all have different victory point schedules. The rings and site rules interact in interesting ways, and using the rings at the most beneficial times at the most beneficial sites is one of the keys to the game. In addition, it is important be the player to place the last card at a site (thus closing it) because this player gets to choose where the next site will appear. This can be a huge advantage because the player can place the site next to cards s/he has already played. Thus hand and resource management (in the form of the rings) requires quite a bit of thought.

This is a solid game with great replay value. Rating 6.5 out of 10.