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A majority of the original reviews were submitted by Charles Bahl and Robert Waters...Thanks!!!

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Alternate Name(s) and Some Stats
Palais Royal (Hans im Glück)
Royal Palace (Rio Grande Games)
Events Played At7Last Month0
Locations Played At3Two Months0
Last Played On4/14/2018 Three Months0

Game: Royal Palace  (Rio Grande Games)
Submitted By: Dan Warseck (An excellent buy)
Date: 4/7/2009 6:28:00 PM
Views: 4419

I really like this game. You have to pay attention, it is very dynamic. The bonuses can, and do, change depending on the composition of the other players in the room. There is just enough randomness to ensure that no two games run just alike. I have played half a dozen times and have yet to see the room tiles fall in the ideal position, (the entry gate in the middle), but I am still hopeful. The rules are written well and make sense. They are also rather simple. I would rate this game easier to learn than Puerto Rico. I found it an excellent buy.