GCOM logo by Kristen Meyer
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GCOM Meeting Locations including the new GCOM Limited!

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GCOM Locations
GCOM Limited Locations

Carney GCOM Logo by Kristen Meyer

Host: Roland deVasher
Address: 10110 Egerton Farm Ct
Parkville  MD   21234
Phone: 410-370-7415
Location Blog:   December 14th - GCOM Holiday Party - Noon - 10PM
Directions   (click for Mapquest map)
Take the Harford Rd exit North from the beltway slightly more than 2 miles to Northwind Rd (some maps show North Wind). Make a right onto Northwind Rd and go 1/4 mile to Egerton Farm Ct on your left (the brick signage indicates Cub Hill Estates). Please be considerate of the neighbors and do not block driveways or mailboxes.
December 14th - GCOM Holiday Party from Noon - 10PM We will have sodas, veggies and snacks available all day. We'll have meatballs and other items around lunchtime. Jim & Jeff have generously agreed to prepare a turkey and ham for dinner around 6. Please feel free to bring a dish, dessert or food contribution if you're so inclined. I'll keep a list below of those who have responded with what they are bringing to help so far: Perrianne - Gluten free mousse pies Jack - deviled eggs Pat - shrimp Bob O. - pies Christy & Doug - fruit plate Bob & Wanda - fruit Meredith - TBD Donna - dessert Sandy - oreo balls In addition we will do the white elephant gift exchange for wrapped new gaming gifts between $15-$25. Please see the link below for the specifics: https://www.gamesclubofmd.org/HolidayParty.asp If you could please let us know that you will be coming it would be appreciated. I may have to set a limit depending upon interest in the event. Also, any children in attendance are expected to be focused on board games and behavior appropriate. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to seeing you then. If you have any questions please give me a call at 410-370-7415. Thanks, Roland

There are no currently scheduled upcoming meetings!

Game Inventory (by name)

Game Inventory (by categories)

Explanation: Each time a game is played at a GCOM event or meeting, an entry is made in the database. Only one entry is made per game per event/meeting day. Each entry is worth 1000 points. Each entry loses 1 point for each day since that entry was made.

When this page is displayed, a calculation is made for each game based upon the number and age of its entries. The longer it has been since a game has been played, the fewer points it gets. Events or meetings older than two years will be ignored.

WEBMASTER'S NOTE: This list is only as accurate as those entering the "Games Played" make it. If you are a location or event host, please take a few minutes soon after each meeting and update your Games Played!!! If you just can't get to it, please email the webmaster with the date of the event/meeting and the games played.


(over the last )

No games entered for location!!!