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WBC 2002 - Brian Stallings
As Told By: Brian Stallings
Views:  5746

My best story is of the Union Pacific game I played.

I thought for sure my initial stock card was a safe play, but after turning over our first dividend cards the player to my left also had the gray WW card laid out. To top it off when the first payout card surfaced neither of us had laid out any other dividend card nor had we added to the gray line. We both received a whopping one dollar for the first payout.

After the third dividend card we all were behind the leader by about 25-30 bucks. But I had just managed to take over the red line and was tied on green. As luck would have it I took a hidden stock card (green) and was able to play it just before the last payoff card showed. After totaling it all up I had a 110 bucks enough to tie for first and advance.

Great fun.